Sunday 24 April 2011


  • As a part of Easter tradition, there is a trend among British people to eat yummy hams, in order to commemorate the Easter Sunday.

  • In England, special springtime dance troupes are called upon, to give exclusive Morris dance performances. This trend of holding dances is not new; rather it is a century old tradition.

  • In a small town of England called Olney, the tradition is of conducting pancake race on every Shrove Tuesday. It is an event that is celebrated on a large scale and people have a real gala time enjoying this unique day also addressed as Pancake Tuesday.

  • Churches are beautifully decorated with different color flowers. White lilies are placed on the altar and these gorgeous flowers are also displayed on the graveyard.

  • For offering prayers in the church, men and women dress up in their special outfits and as a part of their wardrobe, colorful Easter bonnets embellished with flowers is like a must.

  • Special Easter parades are held in Britain and the parade conducted at Battersea Park in London is a very popular one.