Monday 21 November 2016

Locked Away Lyrics - Adam Levine & R. City

What is Black Friday? BBC News

Thanksgiving Traditions

Why Thanksgiving is a Public Holiday in the US

Saturday 12 November 2016


Friday 11 November 2016

127 HOURS Trailer ( 3ºA/B) -Listening and Speaking

Ed Sheeran - Photograph (Lyrics) ( 2º A/B/C)

Listening -Teens speak to themselves 10 years from now (2º)

Leona Lewis - X Factor [Final] - A Moment Like This

First Lady Michelle Obama Carpool Karaoke

Hi, there ! Get to know Michelle Obama and the White House.



Which step have you reached today ?

Monday 7 November 2016



Fundraise : Raise money for a cause or project. 
Auction: The public sale of something to the highest bidder. 
Sponsorship: The act of sponsoring. 
Product placement: We are not always aware that we are being sold a product ( as when products are placed in films). 
Eye-catcher : Something that particularly attracts your attention. 
Jingle: Catchy tune with rhyme used to promote a product. 

FUNDRAISING AUCTION : volunteer, volunteering, bidder, bid, inform, exaggerate, claim, appeal, charity, expect, expectations, recommend, advertise, skills, promote, auction, convince, broadcast, join in, appear on TV.

FUNDRAISING IDEAS : bake sale, garage sales, sell books, play a football match, sports competition, got talent programme, healthy breakfasts corner ......

FORMS OF ADVERTISING : Billboard, flyer, classified ads, trailer, promotion, sponsorship, TV commercial, radio spot, endorsement, product placement.

USEFUL ADJECTIVES : Witty, humorous, memorable, persuasive, word-of-mouth advertising, guaranteed , high /top quality,

THE ART OF ADVERTISING : catchy phrase, campaign, target, date back to, claim, persuade, pop-up adverts, ads, eye-catcher, prime time, brand awareness, appeal, to be in the spotlight, billboard, jingle.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

Heatwarming commercial -4º

Hi again,

In pairs, comment on the following question :
  • What makes this advertisement memorable ? 
Is it the music ? the catchy slogan ? What about the celebrity appearance ? Or perhaps the appeal of the product itself?
  • Why is the man so kind and helpful  and what is his reward ? 
  • Why is the little girl smiling ? 
Thanks for sharing your ideas ! 

Just Watch It: The History of Nike in 3 Minutes

The History of Advertising in 60 Seconds -4º

The history of advertising can be traced to ancient civilizations. It became a major force in capitalist economies in the mid-19th century, based primarily on newspapers and magazines. In the 20th century, advertising grew rapidly with new technologies such as direct mailradiotelevision, the Internet and smart phones.

  • Do you think advertisements have an effect on your personal interests ? 
  • Where do you encounter advertisements? 
  • Which specific advertisements stick to your head ? 

Australian Jamboree 2016 - 2º A/B/C

The World Scout Jamboree is a Scouting jamboree of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, typically attended by several tens of thousands of Scouts from around the world, aged 14 to 17. It takes place every three years.