Monday 7 November 2016



Fundraise : Raise money for a cause or project. 
Auction: The public sale of something to the highest bidder. 
Sponsorship: The act of sponsoring. 
Product placement: We are not always aware that we are being sold a product ( as when products are placed in films). 
Eye-catcher : Something that particularly attracts your attention. 
Jingle: Catchy tune with rhyme used to promote a product. 

FUNDRAISING AUCTION : volunteer, volunteering, bidder, bid, inform, exaggerate, claim, appeal, charity, expect, expectations, recommend, advertise, skills, promote, auction, convince, broadcast, join in, appear on TV.

FUNDRAISING IDEAS : bake sale, garage sales, sell books, play a football match, sports competition, got talent programme, healthy breakfasts corner ......

FORMS OF ADVERTISING : Billboard, flyer, classified ads, trailer, promotion, sponsorship, TV commercial, radio spot, endorsement, product placement.

USEFUL ADJECTIVES : Witty, humorous, memorable, persuasive, word-of-mouth advertising, guaranteed , high /top quality,

THE ART OF ADVERTISING : catchy phrase, campaign, target, date back to, claim, persuade, pop-up adverts, ads, eye-catcher, prime time, brand awareness, appeal, to be in the spotlight, billboard, jingle.