Monday 27 March 2017

Monday 20 March 2017

Adele - Water Under the Bridge

Reported speech-100 Year Old BFFs

They are so sweet and this is a wonderful video to practise the Reported Speech.

Have a wonderful week,



Reported Speech - Kids Say the Funniest Things

The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This

Friday 17 March 2017

Curso Lectura y Escritura Creativa

Actividades para fomentar la lectura y la escritura creativa

Hola Raquel,

Estas son las 4 herramientas que he seleccionado para la sesión 12.

1- En primer lugar, seleccionamos unas imágenes de Pinterest, creamos un tablero y las compartimos mediante un enlace. Cada alumno/a debe elegir una e inventar una historia o pensar en uno de sus recuerdos en un paisaje similar y describirlo.
2-A continuación, creamos una nube de palabras en con adjetivos que podamos usar para describir nuestras emociones o describir el lugar. 

3- En tercer lugar, publicamos nuestra historia en la siguiente página tras introducir los datos necesarios : 
Podremos incluirla dentro de un formato de periódico muy atractivo. Adjuntaré un archivo con un modelo del formato que puede generarse. 
4-Finalmente, podremos crear un audio de nuestra historia en la siguiente página web. Es muy fácil y se crea en tan solo unos minutos. 

Muchas gracias y un saludo,


Thursday 16 March 2017

Thursday 9 March 2017

Wednesday 8 March 2017

San Diego Vacation

Santiago,Sergio and Alejandro ( Sanserjandro's presentation)

Thank you !!

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Thursday 2 March 2017


For over 40 years, Denmark has been voted as one of the happiest countries in the world. Hygge is considered to be such a powerful factor in Danish Happiness. Many think it is about lightning candles, preparing food and creating a nice atmosphere. But it is more than that. Here are five rules for Hygge, some of which you may want to apply for your own life. 

1. COME AS YOU ARE. Be yourself. Let your guard down. 
2. FORGET THE CONTROVERSY. The focus is on the moment and being in the moment. We have plenty of time in our everyday lives to argue and debate, but Hygge is about enjoying the food and the company. Complaining, heavy negativity, judging and arguing are not allowed in the Hygge space. 
3. THINK OF YOURSELF AS A TEAM MEMBER. Everyone sees what he or she can do to contribute. Everyone has to understand they are part of a team. 
5. REMEMBER IT IS TIME LIMITED. No one taking center stage, no one complaining, no one being too negative and everyone trying to be present without arguing.